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SAVE THE DATE June 7th - 15th 2025





Mass KIDS Boating Day was established in 2017 to support KIDS boating events taking place throughout Massachusetts.  In an effort to expand Mass KIDS Boating Day in 2019 we officially renamed the week to Mass KIDS Boating and Fishing Week. 

Getting kids on the water in a safe and smart manner is a very important element of the future of the boating industry.  Over 70% of adult boaters started boating when they were kids.  Boating is a family friendly and healthy activity that is enjoyed by millions of people around the country.  In addition one of the most popular recreational activities done from a boat is fishing, which is an important reason we decided to change the name to Mass KIDS Boating & Fishing week and pick dates that coincide with National fishing and boating week.


Industry Growth Through Collaboration, Communication & Education

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